Ditch Payday Chaos

Streamline Payroll, Boost Efficiency, and Gain Control with Lumber.
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Lumber’s Construction Payroll Solutions

Optimize Efficiency and Cut Costs

Alleviate administrative workloads and concentrate on essential business functions.

Ensure Precision and Compliance

Deliver accurate payroll processing that adheres to labor regulations, preventing expensive fines and penalties.

Enhance Employee Happiness

Ensure employees receive timely and accurate payments, with the added benefit of self-service options, to increase satisfaction and morale.

Gain Critical Insights

Generate comprehensive reports on labor expenses, tax liabilities and worker compensation, aiding in strategic decisions regarding workforce management and budget planning.

Lumber is the only payroll I rely on for the construction industry.  It is the only payroll system built around the construction industry. They will customize the payroll application to the client needs.  The implementation is seamless, quick and integrates with most construction software and non-construction software like QuickBooks.
Aaron Mills
CEO & Co-Founder, Daaxit
DAAXIT: The Contractor's CFO

Learn more about Lumber’s Construction Payroll Services

How can Lumber’s Construction Payroll Services save my business time and money?

Our services reduce administrative burdens by streamlining payroll processes, allowing your HR and Payrolls team to focus on core business activities. This results in significant time savings and cost reductions.

What measures does Lumber take to ensure payroll accuracy and compliance?

Lumber uses AI-powered payroll processing systems that ensure accuracy and compliance with labor laws. This minimizes the risk of errors and penalties associated with non-compliance.

How does timely and accurate payroll processing improve employee satisfaction?

Employees value timely and accurate payments. With our services, employees receive their wages on time and can access their payroll information through Lumber’s mobile application, which enhances their overall satisfaction and morale.

What kind of reports can I generate with Lumber’s payroll services?

Lumber provides detailed reports on labor costs, tax liabilities, worker compensation etc, which can be used for informed decision-making about workforce management and budget allocation. These insights are valuable for optimizing business operations.

Are there self-service options available for employees?

Yes, employees will have access to Lumber mobile application where they can view their payroll information, download pay stubs, and manage their personal details, enhancing their overall experience.

How does Lumber ensure compliance with labor laws?

Lumber stays up-to-date with the latest labor laws and regulations. Our payroll systems are designed to automatically incorporate these changes, ensuring your business remains compliant at all times.

Can Lumber’s payroll services handle complex payroll needs specific to the construction industry?

Absolutely. Our payroll services are tailored to meet the unique needs of the construction industry, including managing varying pay rates, project-based payroll, prevailing wages, and compliance with industry-specific regulations.

How do I get started with Lumber’s Construction Payroll Services?

Getting started is easy. Simply contact our team to discuss your specific needs, and we will provide a customized solution to streamline your payroll processes.

What support options are available if I have questions or issues with payroll processing?

Lumber offers comprehensive support, including access to our knowledgeable customer service team, who can assist with any questions or issues that may arise.

How secure is the payroll information handled by Lumber?

Security is our top priority. We use robust security measures and encryption protocols to protect all payroll data, ensuring it is safe from unauthorized access and breaches.

Have more questions?

Contact us here so we can help.